Please can you post all questions that you feel that you need the answer to and I will try and answer them or find answers for you from all of the sources we have at hand.
It does not matter how long the list gets its about time we questioned :
Q. A company like Worldspreads is so heavily regulated by FSA..What have we missed.
Q. Segregated accounts do they have any meaning at all ?
Q. Ernst and Young Auditors ---how can they miss a big loophole of 12 Million Pounds..
Q.Why did Conor Foley Leave whom was the CEO days before WS fell over.
Q.Why did Niall O’Kelly the financial director leave ?
Q, How comes worldspreads had such a high standard of executives as board members yet not one of them knows that 1-1=0 not -13 Million.
Q.Every time a CEO or and Finance Director leave should we be extra cautious ?
Q.Which Broker/spreadbetting company can you really trust ? What has happened with Worldspreads has sent shivers down the Spine of thousands of traders
Q. How was it that easy for this money to go missing in such a short amount of time and where did it go ?
Q.Can We trust FSA? This is my question ( I will discuss a case that I have heard about with regards to this)
Please feel free to email me at to add any other questions
Kind regards