Thursday 22 March 2012

No update from KPMG creating frustration amongs worldspreads clients

Good Morning All,

I am afraid we are no further with the Special Administration Team.
We have phoned them today in the morning and have asked the
Questions that are asked by my most of the clients:

Q. Do you have any update on the situation with Worldspreads?
Nothing at all.

Q.Do you have any ideas about the Claim forms and when they will be issued?
Nothing at all.

Q.Do you have any ideas on approximate timescales?
Nothing at all.

Something that I am failing to understand is that why don’t they at least start to send us the clients the claim forms so that we can all fill them out and save time on administration. I cannot understand how different a form would be then those used for all the other insolvencies.
This could save so much time! I am pretty much sure that at least 80% of the forms would be sent back within 2 weeks.

A Very frustrating time for clients, who have lost money due to no reason of their own.

Please be patient with me as soon as I have any updates and here the first word
Rest assured it will be on this blog.

Once again thank you for your support.


  1. First of all congrats Rav you are doing a good job
    May be it slipped your mind but these guys (KPMG) have to justify their fees !

  2. Id second that - preferred creditors KPMG aren't in a rush....

  3. Hi Rav,

    Thanks for all the info and your blog.
    I was a client of Twowayspreads which until yesterday on their .com was displaying the same Special Administraion Notice as Worldspreads.
    Today it is changed to Twowaymarkets and solicitng new accounts.
    Just called KPMG and they could not advise but took my query.

    Now I a confused as to who exactly Twowayspreads were and this whole white label stuff

    Any advice would be appreciated.
