Tuesday, 20 March 2012

The Rumour getting some coverage now

ETX Capital is in exclusive negotiations to buy its collapsed spread-betting rival WorldSpreads. Talks have been ongoing over the weekend and a deal is likely to be announced within the next 24 hours.

Although the details are still being finalised, bankers say that ETX is likely to have a particular interest in WorldSpreads' client base and its technology platform. It is not clear whether any money will change hands – it will be a minimal amount if any.

The Negotiations now seem to be confirmed after 8 hours of waiting.Lets see what the outcome of the ongoing meeting leads too.
Will update all as soon as I know anything further


  1. How real is this buy-out? And if it happens how quickly will we have access to our money? Any ideas?

  2. http://uk.reuters.com/article/2012/03/20/uk-worldspreads-idUKBRE82J0CB20120320
