Thursday, 22 March 2012

Worldspreads Client List been Leaked !!!!

I am absolutely fuming about clients getting calls from different Spreadbetting companies all of a sudden since 17:00 this evening. I have had numerous complaints that Worldspreads clients are getting contacted to open a spread betting account.

They are making false claims that they will help the clients get the money back from the FSCS earlier than anticipated if they open an account with themselves.

I will start name and shame of these Spread Betting companies if this continues.

Please could i ask that comments naming companies and individuals not be posted directly onto this blog as this could lead to legal action being taken for defamation of character.Please email me first your comment so i may ensure that legal requirements are met!
Kind regards


  1. Please do start that list rav, at least it will allow us to know who to trust and who to avoid.

    I think either a former world spread employee released that list


    it has been sold by kpmg to raise some cash for the repayment of funds

  2. Dear Mr A,
    KPMG have clearly stated in the statement that they will not be selling the spread betting clients list and if this is the case..
    we will wait to see the pattern of emails..Please let me know if you have had any problems of 3-4 calls from brokers after 17:00 yesterday


  3. Hi Kirsty,

    Can you please email me at if you have a few mins
    Take care

  4. I dont know how many of you followed the Worldcom and Enron collapses 10 years ago (I am showing my age) and subsequent criminal trials but the you can draw your own conclusions on the similarities with the current scandal.
    Worldcom and Enron were started by very ambitious,risk taking entrepreneurs who invested a lot of time and emotional energy into buliding what they came to believe was "Their" companies.Of course, as they floated and became minority shareholders it wasnt their companies at all,but they thought it was.Because they were run by ambitious people they expanded rapidly, too rapidly as it turned out and each ran out of capital. Board decisions werent really board decisions but the decisions of the chief Executive who so dominated decision making that the Boards were in effect relegated to a rubber stamping body,a bit like the Communist party General Committees in China and the old Soviet Union.Nobody really challenged the chief Executive, after all, everybody bought into the myth that the Company still belonged to the Chief Executive.Thats why they expanded too fast in the first place.
    But things didnt stop there.Because the comapany was part of the Chief Executives ego and part of who he thought he was,when things did go wrong, he couldn`t bring himself to admit it and face the loss of his business.The loss of face would be too great.So each of these guys began to fiddle the figures and misappropriate the cash.Originally designed to overcome a temporary cash crises, once the rubicon had been crossed there was no going back.Both had bullied the Finance Directors to take part in the Frauds,niether had the moral courage to say no.So the fraud got deeper and deeper until eventually the fraud became so big that it could no longer be ketp secret.
    The Chief Executives and Finance Directors each got about 20 years in prison, which they are currently serving.In this country they would have got less , but the cell mates are just as ugly!.
    In each case, it was pride and hubris that led to the fall and a story of yes men too weak to act.
    Twas ever thus.

  5. I can tell you that the people responsible for Worldspreads failure will not be doing the "perp walk" or porridge for their crimes. Therefore there will be no deterrent for other spread betting firms to change this current practice of dipping into client funds or keeping positions open even after clients have closed them, which is common practice through the industry. Keep up the good work Rav700, alot of people are grateful for the time and effort you are putting into this blog, including myself.

  6. I worked at another spread betting company. By mistake, a contractor was paid out of the client account. It was a sizable amount. A genuine mistake that was noticed and corrected within a day. There were all manor of investigations and fingers pointed, but no harm done in the end.

    It amazed me then how easy this had happened. There needs to be some sort of 3rd party banking procedure - escrow or whatever to stop this happening again.

  7. I'm prepared to wager that at least one or more persons gets at least a five stretch.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. I,m starting to feel inadequate. I have received no calls from anyone.BOO HOO.
    peter kelly
