Monday, 19 March 2012

Transcript of the Special Administrators for WorldSpreads

"The information I have been provided with, from the special administrator is that all clients with their open positions will have all their positions closed out as of the close of business on the 16th March.
The company is currently unable to access the funds from clients accounts.
If you had held an account that had a cash balance at the date of the appointment you will be required to fill out the claims process form for the distrubution of the amounts owed to you.
Details of the claims process will be published on the worldspreads website shortly.
Unfortunately I am unable to give you any infromation on possible timings or distrubution of funds. All worldspreads shares remain suspended at this point in time."

This is the transcript that the special adminstrators team are using to answer any questions you have ..

1 comment:

  1. Irish Times article stating that Jane Moriarty of KPMG, one of the special administrators appointed to the company this week, says Worldspreads only partially hedged those risks. White label Ladbrokes stating that it was guaranteeing all client funds. Read full article here Should not all the white label companies be doing the same ?
