Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Worldspreads Staff Loose their Jobs

What a sad moment for the Employees who worked at worldspreads.

 The employees of Worlds Spreads just like us the clients have been in turmoil all weekend and the fear of the unknown has hit them. Late morning today they were basically called into a meeting and were made redundant with immediate effect. What is worse is they were not even paid for the work they had done in March
With payday round the corner and bills to pay, at this time my prayers are with them and hope that they find new jobs and the clients receive their money.

I would request any brokers with Jobs in brokerages in the London area to send me any vacancies so I can forward them or even post them to the WS employees who are out of work.

Some of the worldspreads employees were very close to me as I traded with them round the clock
What do you expect with around 2000 round trips a month..

Let’s hope we get some better news tomorrow
I hope you are getting enough information from my blog to help you cope with WorldSpreads problems
Please email me if you would like to make any additions
Thanks for your support

1 comment:

  1. Really not good condition!
    Hopefully, all issues will be resolved very soon.
