Tuesday, 20 March 2012

WorldSpreads assets attract bid interest - KPMG

(Reuters) - Several parties have expressed an interest in buying some of the assets of WorldSpreads Group (WSPR.I) (WSPR.L) - the financial spread-betting company which entered administration after finding holes in its accounts

Accountancy firm KPMG said on Tuesday while there would be no actual sale of the business, which is in the process of being closed down, some of WorldSpreads' software and data centre assets could be sold.

"We are receiving interest in and are talking to people about the residual assets, such as the software and data centre," said KPMG partner Jane Moriarty. KPMG is acting as WorldSpreads' administrators.

Moriarty declined to identify the companies interested in WorldSpreads' assets, although British newspapers said rival spread-betting firm ETX Capital was interested in WorldSpreads. ETX Capital declined to comment on the situation.

Moriarty added there would be no sale of WorldSpreads' client list.

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